"We are Sandee Family" Season 2

"We are Sandee Family" Season 2
What is your favorite home-cooked dish?
Let's #joinus by sharing the recipe and picture of your #favoritehomecookeddish
that you have made with Sandee products under this post.
Get a chance to win a FREE cooking workshop
with "The V School" for your whole family and more!
Let's join us
How to join
1) Like "Sandee Rice” fanpage
2) Share the “WE ARE SANDEE FAMILY 2” picture on your Facebook wall
and make sure to set your post to public
3) Post the picture and recipe of your dish that you've made with either Sandee Rice or Sandee Rice Vermicelli
Don't forget to put #sandeefamily2 under the picture.
(The photo must be taken by the participants. Pictures from the Internet are not allowed.)
4) The top 5 menus that get the most "Likes"
and another 5 "special" staff picks. (10 menus/families in total)
will be able to join the workshop with Sandee Rice at The V School.
(Winners will be selected by the food appearance, creativity and practicality.)
Event period
25 March - 3 May 2016
Winner announcement
** the winners will be announced on May 6, 2016 at 3 pm.
Attend the workshop
on May 15, 2016 from 8am to 12pm at The V School.
The winners must submit full names, addresses and telephone numbers
to the "Sandee Rice" fanpage's inbox
The winner who fails to show up within 7 days from the announcement will be disqualified.
Gift Set : "We Are Sandee Family 2"
- Sandee rice and rice vermicelli
- Sandee lunchbox
- Sandee Rich Cracker with Cereals
Other Activities
Certified quality assurance systems GMP, HACCP, ISO 9001 and BRC through the system in 2558.
Head Office
640 Soi Sathupradit 58 Yak 22 (Soi Prasarnchai), Bangpongpang Yannawa, Bangkok 10120